Four Types of Credibility

Presumed credibility – Based on general assumptions in the users’ mind.  It has a domain name that ends with ‘.org’ etc.

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Reputed credibility – Based on third-party endorsements, reports, or referral. It often when a site is recommended by a third party, then it could very well be reputed credible.

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Surface credibility – Based on the simple inspection, first impressions. It is a site that looks professionally designed.

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Earned credibility – Based on the first-hand experience that extends over time. It is the web refers to websites that respond quickly back to the users/customers inquiries and questions.

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Web Credibility in the Future

According to Fogg(2003), during the period from 1999 to 2002, the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing acceptance of information on the Internet by the society also questioned the credibility of the website. So people’s perception of web credibility has changed.

The following dot points inform the viewer of certain elements that can affect the webs’ trustworthiness.

  • Promotional ads on web pages cover content
  • Video and audio on the web page are automatically played and played out
  • Scattered page layouts, users can not find useful information
  • Use lots of them to slow down the page load
  • Lack of social media

In order to ensure that users trust your site, you should update the content of your site from time to time, and set up comments so that you can know the user Suggestions and improve your site.

Why is Wikipedia Not Accepted as a Credible Resource?

Wikipedia as an open online resource, it allows anyone to create articles and write articles. Most of the writers are interested in related issues, but some of them are experts. But because it can be accessed and rewritten at any time, Wikipedia entries and articles are, in theory, constantly changing, revising, being revised, and being revised. Therefore, its accuracy is greatly compromised, and people naturally doubt its academic and authoritative nature.


With the rapid development of the Web, the amount of information accumulated on the Web is getting larger and larger. At the same time, the popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of e-commerce have also changed the way people access information in the form of fees. People prefer to get information on the Internet. The Web has become one of the ways for people to get useful information. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword, bringing people great convenience as well as a series of problems. Among them, how to distinguish the credibility of high-quality information from the complex mass information has become a problem that has long puzzled people. The problem has also hindered the development of the network to some extent.

Evaluating information sources is an important part of the research process. Not all information is reliable or true, nor will all information be suitable for your paper or project. Print and Internet sources vary widely in their authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage. Users must be able to critically evaluate the appropriateness of all types of information sources prior to relying on the information(“Evaluating Information Resources | Elmer E. Rasmuson Library”, 2018).

As a student, I always need to research for my essay topic,  The credibility of the website is a trouble for me because I do not know whether it can be trusted. So I often feel confused about which sources can be trusted.




Evaluating Information Resources | Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. (2018). Retrieved from

Fogg, B.J. (2003). Credibility and the world wide web. In persuasive technology; using computer to change what we think and do (pp.122-125). Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann publishers.